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UNESCO Global Education Coalition

The Coalition is dedicating this annual meeting to increase partner commitment to collaborative projects that advance progress towards SDG 4. In a year that will redefine multilateralism for the digital age – and against the backdrop of the Global Digital Compact and the Pact for the Future – Coalition partners demonstrate their engagement in meaningful multi-stakeholder collaboration for positive education transformation, collectively addressing challenges related to scalability, sustainability, equity and relevance.

The EdTech Strategy Lab team will be hosting the Education Transformation Roundtable Workshop: Towards an international alliance of EdTech coalitions for SDG 4: Global challenges, national resonance.

The workshop intends to guide participants towards a shared vision and concrete steps for the formation and operation of a global EdTech alliance with quality assurance at the centre (creation of a collaborative, evidence-driven ecosystem that supports the development and dissemination of high-quality EdTech solutions worldwide).

Apply to attend via the link below - each application needs to be approved by the UNESCO team.

16 April

SETT Workshop: EdTech Quality Assurance What Works?